To glorify God in the work for hair loss that He has prepared for us to do.

God has provided humanity with His cure for hair loss along with understanding to accompany it. He has chosen to work through His children to invent His cure, maintain its physical existence, and interpret understanding of the truth of reality of hair loss and combative measures for hair loss. His cure attests to the truth of reality of Himself, and understanding attests to the truth of reality of His cure. Manifestation of these magnificent works has been made possible by obedience unto God by faith in Jesus Christ, walking in spirit and truth, and adherence to the most important commandment of all: love for God, ourselves, and each other (Matthew 22:37-40). Abidance by these principles pleases the Lord, and in so doing, He rewards us with prosperity. We are committed to continually abiding by these values so that AIDOO Heritage may take form and grow into God’s Ministry of Health here on earth.

This is kingdom work! It is beneficial for the Body of Christ and all mankind. The weight of it cannot and should not be carried on the shoulders of one or a few people. Everyone’s assistance is needed and welcomed which is why we ask of you to please make contributions towards this dutiful work.


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Donation Total: $100.00