“Cause” addresses the origin of hair loss and how it is that it happens. There are two causes of hair loss: sin and divine care. These causes have distinctive qualities, cause different types of hair loss, and work through circumstances to manifest hair loss.

Testimonial A: Testimonial of an HFRS superstar who after 5 months’ use of HFRS was on his way to regrowing all his hair in the flesh.

Photo credit: Francis Bandoh-Aidoo

One origination of hair loss is sin. Sin is the evil cause of hair loss. It does not have a mind of its own, yet it harbors hatred. That hatred comes from the mind Satan. Satan’s motivation is to destroy God, His Word. God’s Word is His work, and His work is all creation – the heavens, earth, and all that exists in it, including us. Thus, Satan’s motivation is to destroy us too. He works towards his goal by getting us to sin.

To sin is to contribute towards destruction of God’s creation in us. Justifiably, accountability accompanies sinning. Other than death, accountability can be doled out through hair loss. Each scenario of hair loss caused by sin involves not having hair loss into having hair loss. The hair loss that sin harbors and manifests is of a particular type that is evil, or noticeable. It can be referred to as “noticeable hair loss.”

Noticeable hair loss cannot manifest on its own. It must be birthed into existence. This happens via sinful circumstances. Sin works through sinful circumstances for hair loss to form its worst, most abominable harboring of hair loss, or self, that it can. As it works through sinful circumstances, the two meld. Noticeable hair loss is the melding of sin and sinful circumstances.

This testifier had hair loss that was caused by sin. Sin brought on noticeable hair loss in his life. The noticeable hair loss was birthed into existence via a sinful circumstance for hair loss. Sin worked through a sinful circumstance for hair loss in his life to form its worst, most abominable, harboring of hair loss, or self, possible. As sin worked through a sinful circumstance for hair loss in his life the two melded. The noticeable hair loss that he had was the melding of sin and sinful circumstance for hair loss in his life.

Upon starting use of HFRS, he had unnoticeable hair loss, though. This was because he had been saved by God by then. God had created him anew in spirit; therefore, he did not have hair loss. However, he did exhibit hair loss in the flesh, still. HFRS helped cure him of hair loss only in the flesh.

Although hair loss should only be understood in spirit and truth, sometimes you can look at the hair loss in the flesh fashioned by an individual and recognize that it was caused by sin. Remember, Satan hates God. He is jealous of Him and us. When he destroys God’s creation in our hair growth process and hair, he creates work that is chaotic. The hair loss is meant to evoke mockery of God and His creation in us. When Satan destroys a work of God, he looks at it and laughs. He curses, or feels or expresses great loathing for, God’s destroyed creation in us. Unless salvaged by God, he rules over the evil work he produces because it has become unholy. Realize that Satan gets a kick out of what he destroys. He is the biggest hater and jerk. The noticeable hair loss exhibited in people is funny to him, but to God, it is sad. It should be sad to us as well. It is no laughing matter. God hates to see his work in us destroyed for giggles and usurpation by Satan. Do not judge someone with hair loss or any other malady, but pray for them, and help them in Christ if you can.

User journey 3a hair loss reversal of female with Alopecia universalis by hair loss solution Aloplexi-dex QMC2
User journey 3b eyebrow hair loss reversal of female with Alopecia universalis by hair loss solution Aloplexi-dex QMC2

Testimonial B: Here is awesome testimonial of a lady who regrew all of her hair after having experienced hair loss all over her body. Her story was that she had been diagnosed as having “Alopecia universalis” in her teens. She used many hair “growth” and “regrowth” treatments, but, of course, all were futile. The use of HFRS resulted in re-activation of her hair follicles for the first time in over a decade!

Photo Credit: Francis Bandoh-Aidoo

The other origination of hair loss is divine care. Divine care is the good cause of hair loss. It causes hair loss that is virtuous. Divine care does not have a mind of its own, yet it embraces love. That love comes from the mind of God. God is the epitome of love. His motivation is to sustain us so that we might live forever. He works towards His goal by getting us to abide in Him through faith in Jesus Christ.

To abide in God is to contribute towards sustentation of God’s creation in us. Unjustifiably, suffering accompanies abidance in Him. It is doled out only in the flesh, making it false. The truth of reality is that we are free of it. Other than death, suffering can be doled out through hair loss. Hair loss caused by divine care arises from hair growth process that is dormant. Each scenario of hair loss involves not having hair loss into having hair loss present only in the flesh. The hair loss that divine care embraces and manifests is of a particular type that is virtuous, or unnoticeable. It is referred to as “unnoticeable hair loss” in one respect.

Unnoticeable hair loss does not manifest spontaneously. It must be birthed into existence. This happens via unfitting circumstances. Divine care works through unfitting circumstances for hair loss to form its greatest, most virtuous fostering of hair loss, or self, that it can. As divine care works through unfitting circumstances, the two meld. Unnoticeable hair loss is the melding of divine care and unfitting circumstances.

Our testifier had hair loss that was caused by divine care. The hair loss was virtuous. It was present only in the flesh; therefore, it was unnoticeable, meaning it was not actual: it was false. Although she had hair loss in the flesh, she was free of hair loss. The unnoticeable hair loss that she exhibited did not manifest spontaneously. It was birthed into existence via an unfitting circumstance for hair loss in her life. What happened was divine care worked through an unfitting circumstance for hair loss in her life to form its greatest, most virtuous fostering of hair loss, or self, possible. As divine care worked through the unfitting circumstance for hair loss in her life, the two melded to form unnoticeable hair loss in her life.

The characterization of hair loss in the flesh exhibited by our HFRS superstar could cue someone in on the fact that the hair loss was caused by divine care. When God allows unnoticeable hair loss to happen in someone’s life, he creates work that is systematized. It is typically more extensive than that of hair loss caused by sin, meaning it can cover the whole scalp, head, body, and so on. The unnoticeable hair loss is not meant to evoke mockery of God’s creation in our hair growth process and hair. It is meant to draw out praise. There is virtue in its incompleteness. The hair loss that arises is based off of hair growth process that has gone into dormancy. The template on which the hair loss is based is holy.

It would be faulty to determine that her hair loss was caused by divine care by how the hair loss appeared in the flesh. This is because hair loss caused by sin can take on the same characterization in the flesh. It can appear to be systematized and extensive just like our superstar. Truth be told, that would be a heavy accountability for sinning. Someone can have hair loss caused by sin and it appear like our testifier. In part, this is why hair loss should be approached in the flesh. It should only be approached in spirit and truth. Spirit is the determinant of the truth of reality of hair loss. The flesh is not.

Revelation on the Causes of Malady

Inherently, malady is bad, but not all malady is evil, and therefore, not all malady is caused by sin. There exists malady that is virtuous. Such malady is caused by divine care.

God is orderly, and His creation, existence, is orderly. When divine care, the impetus of orderliness, causes virtuous malady to happen, it facilitates order into existence. The virtuous malady that manifests is orderly, and the dormant process from which it is derived is orderly. Order begets order. Divine care does not beget chaos. The two are incongruent. God is not only the author of divine care, but He is the author of order.

Satan is destructive. His destruction is derived from the order in existence. When sin causes evil malady to happen, it manifests disorder, or chaos, into existence. The evil malady that manifests is chaotic, and the destructive process from which it is derived is chaotic. Chaos begets chaos. Sin does not beget order. Satan is not only the author of sin, but he is the author of chaos.

Order can beget order out of chaos. This happens when God salvages what is good in His creation. In spirit, what is salvaged becomes a new creation. It goes from being chaotic to orderly again. The new creation will last forever. This is not true of what is in the flesh, though. In the flesh, what is salvaged might become what was. It might go from being chaotic to orderly again. There is no guarantee of reclaiming orderliness in the flesh because chaos corrupts what is in the flesh. If orderliness is reclaimed, then it will be temporary. This is because what is in the flesh will someday pass.

Virtuous malady is orderly and is of a sustentative nature. On the other hand, evil malady is chaotic and is of a destructive nature.


  1. Word of God
  2. Bandoh-Aidoo, S. (2022). The Causes of Hair Loss: What makes hair loss happen? The Enigma of Hair Loss Deciphered. AIDOO Heritage. https://aidooaid.com/the-causes-of-hair-loss-baldness/

Visit our other exhibits!

Evil and Dutiful Work: The reasons for hair loss (Exhibit)
Guidance on Combating Sin (for Prevention of Hair Loss) (Exhibit)
Cure for Hair Loss: A work of God (Exhibit)
Walk in Spirit and Truth: The proper approach to hair loss (Exhibit)